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 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday 14 October 2012

My A-Z of pregnancy : J-O

J is for jabs
Flu jab, whooping cough, blood samples you name it, medics love poking, prodding, jabbing you when pregnant.

The good news is they don't hurt and are over and done with quickly.

if you are nervous just let the nurse know and look in the opposite direction.

Also do your research regards extra jabs offered. On my birth board there are conflicting views about whether or not to have the flu and whooping cough jabs. Personally I'm grateful to live in a country where  we get these jabs for free....women in other parts of the world would do anything for these vaccinations..

Could be worse....

K is for Kegel exercises
Also known as pelvic floor exercises...your pelvic floor is like a hammock and the stronger it is, the less chance of leaking urine and better control you'll have during delivery. Also you'll have a better feeling when it comes to nookie post birth. Imagine trying to hold your wee, that's how you exercise fats ones and slow ones. Your fanny will thank you...well it won't as it can't speak, but if it could chat it would say ta love!

NHS info on kegel excercises

L is for listening
To your baby's heartbeat at midwife appointments, to your gut, to wise people, to music...whatever you choose, listening helped me to learn a lot about myself, people around me and my bubs.

M is for mother
I still get slightly freaked by the idea of someone calling me mum! It's got me re-evaluating my relationship with my own mother and my upbringing. You may find it raises some issues which have been quietly resting in the little corner in the back of your mind. That's a good thing in my view...shows you're thoughtful and taking this journey seriously.

Who knows what kind of mum I'll be...? A good enough one hopefully....

N is for nipples
They change. Bigger, in your face, firmer, longer, darker, more sensitive however you wish to phrase it, they seem to take on a life of their own. They also leak...mine haven't done yet.

A Siberian stripper would be proud of mine at the moment!

They could double as lock picks or coat hangers...but that would be painful...and weird...albeit functional!

The fact is pregnancy is a reminder our bosoms serve a purpose....your fella may need reminding of that fact!

O is for orgasm
My bestie and her fella were at it all the way through pregnancy. I can't remember the last time I had sex, but I recall the sensitivity was so heightened it was painful....and then i bled. My Doctors orders were no more nookie til bubs arrives....

But hey if you can still swing from the chandeliers go for's also a fun way to kick start labour!

1 comment:

  1. Dear friends it is almost two months now since i order a pregnancy spell cast on me from this email i saw in a website on how he help a couple to get pregnant and i contacted him which i started seeing changes on my body since the first week of last month and it two months and i am carrying my own baby in my womb i am so happy that i finally get pregnant after all i have been through. contact him for any problems you are having, he will surely provide you a solution, All thanks be to him
