Beanies' progress...

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday 14 October 2012

My A-Z of pregnancy : J-O

J is for jabs
Flu jab, whooping cough, blood samples you name it, medics love poking, prodding, jabbing you when pregnant.

The good news is they don't hurt and are over and done with quickly.

if you are nervous just let the nurse know and look in the opposite direction.

Also do your research regards extra jabs offered. On my birth board there are conflicting views about whether or not to have the flu and whooping cough jabs. Personally I'm grateful to live in a country where  we get these jabs for free....women in other parts of the world would do anything for these vaccinations..

Could be worse....

K is for Kegel exercises
Also known as pelvic floor exercises...your pelvic floor is like a hammock and the stronger it is, the less chance of leaking urine and better control you'll have during delivery. Also you'll have a better feeling when it comes to nookie post birth. Imagine trying to hold your wee, that's how you exercise fats ones and slow ones. Your fanny will thank you...well it won't as it can't speak, but if it could chat it would say ta love!

NHS info on kegel excercises

L is for listening
To your baby's heartbeat at midwife appointments, to your gut, to wise people, to music...whatever you choose, listening helped me to learn a lot about myself, people around me and my bubs.

M is for mother
I still get slightly freaked by the idea of someone calling me mum! It's got me re-evaluating my relationship with my own mother and my upbringing. You may find it raises some issues which have been quietly resting in the little corner in the back of your mind. That's a good thing in my view...shows you're thoughtful and taking this journey seriously.

Who knows what kind of mum I'll be...? A good enough one hopefully....

N is for nipples
They change. Bigger, in your face, firmer, longer, darker, more sensitive however you wish to phrase it, they seem to take on a life of their own. They also leak...mine haven't done yet.

A Siberian stripper would be proud of mine at the moment!

They could double as lock picks or coat hangers...but that would be painful...and weird...albeit functional!

The fact is pregnancy is a reminder our bosoms serve a purpose....your fella may need reminding of that fact!

O is for orgasm
My bestie and her fella were at it all the way through pregnancy. I can't remember the last time I had sex, but I recall the sensitivity was so heightened it was painful....and then i bled. My Doctors orders were no more nookie til bubs arrives....

But hey if you can still swing from the chandeliers go for's also a fun way to kick start labour!

My A-Z of pregnancy..... A-I

I thought I'd share my A-Z of pregnancy. The highs the lows and the frankly bizarre things no-one explains! Feel free to comment or add your own thoughts or A-Z's!

A is for Advice

You'll find that pregnancy brings out the agony aunt / uncle in people. Suddenly everyone wants to share their pearls of wisdom with you. It's as though your unborn child has become communal property with everyone from Aunt Maude to a random stranger in a lift or on the tube advising you or sharing their birth stories...word of warning avoid the war tales, it just won't help you. I firmly believe women who insist on telling you how awful their pregnancy / labour was should be issued with a liberal amount of masking tape or simply told - "I think this is one for your counsellor - not me"

By all means hear people out but don't be bullied into doing things other peoples' way - it's your baby. As i had to explain to my mother, you had three children. You've had your go. let me raise my first my way thanks!

B is for 'a Baby'...

That's my response when people ask if i know what i'm having. Yes, it's a bit childish, but I don't want to know the gender and if i did know, i'd have told you long before you needed to ask. So there. I'm not really a meanie....I save this response for people who fall into 'A' above.

C is for Confidence
I have found that becoming pregnant has given me  greater sense of self worth and confidence. I'm better able to put my foot down, to articulate my needs and to just let stuff go. If I want my child to have confidence, I'll need to model it myself. It was quite a strange sensation to hear the word "no" silently slip from my mouth rather than OK then, when my boss asked if i was free to carry out yet another favour that he could have done himself.

It was liberating telling off a bloke who let a woman get up and offer her seat when he was trying to avoid my gaze sitting in the preggers seat.

Most importantly it's satisfying knowing my child will expereince a mother who is willing to stand up for herself as well as her family.

People generally respect you more for it. Should've done this years ago!

Give it a go!

D is for Diabetes
I've been struck with gestational diabetes and have to take my blood sugars four times a day which has now reduced to three times a day. It's due to my body being unable to manage with the extra demands of carrying Beanie and not making enough insulin, so to ensure i don't have too much sugar going over to beanie I need to watch my carbs and sugars.

Midwives in my expereince were keen to scare me into testing, with stories of worst case scenarios. Arm yourself with the facts, try not to panic as upset hormones won't do you or bubs any good.

Oh and you're likely to become mega thirsty! I get through a pint and a half of water during the night alone!

NHS info on Gestational Diabetes

E is for Envy
Ahhh, of the deadly sins. It 's sad to say but you may notice a number of people become envious when they learn you're pregnant. We got pregnant within eight weeks of trying. If this was boradcast to people who have been trying a long time, it would feel like a smack in the teeth. Other people seem envious when they already have what you have...which never made sense to me.

Some people feel threatened that the limelight will move away from them. Others would like the chnace to be a parent to a baby all over again...whatever the reason remember it's their issue...not yours. Wish them well in your mind and don't get sucked into the toxic nature of envy....step away from the crazies!

It's also a good lesson to share with your own kids later in life....

F is for Friendship
Pregnancy shows you who your friends are... it's a great time to share with people who are supportive. There are people I've distanced myself from...purely because I've had to think about who i want to influence my child. It may sound harsh but why would I associate with someone who is mean spirited and have that affect my family?

My bestie is my absolute rock and has just had her first child. By the time she told me she was pregnant i was a week pregnant and didn't realise! We've gone through this journey for the first time together which has been a real privlege and to know my mate who i've been chums with for over 25 years will be in my childs life is amazing.

Nice people rock. Surround yourself with them!

G is for Gravity
Gravity so I'm told is my best friend. Plenty of walking, bouncing on brithing ball anything to encourage baby downwards is a good thing...well, you wouldn't go for a poo laying on your back would you?!

H is for Hair
I have very thick hair...sadly for me (but great news for my beauticians) it's not just limited to my head. Pregnancy has made my hair grow even thicker and quicker. Apparantly it;s just that you stop shedding hair when pregnant so it;s looks thicker, but will drop out once baby is born.

There are confilcting arguments about bleaching ones hair in pregnancy. As I have afro hair and usually relax it (straight perm) I've had to go without for pregnancy. It's usually in plaited extensions to save hassle. At the moment I am sporting half a head of afro and half straight from last perm in jan! Just waiting to get it plaited up again so it;s neat for bubs birth....gosh vanity eh....

My rule for pregnant hair...keep it simple.

Time for a trim....?

Beanie is also hairy apparantly, according to my sonographer at the 26 week scan...not that I could tell...
ah well, that'll explain the heartburn!

I is for Iron
Take it from me...a lack of this can send you damn near over the edge. i had palpitations that were so severe they would wake me from my sleep, the first time it happenned I thought i was being attacked! Plus the tiredness ....aye yai yai...I had to take a 20 minute nap after a shower it was that exhausting. So if you get those symptoms please get your iron levels checked out. I had this depsite taking vitamins.

NHS info on iron

Saturday 13 October 2012

Waiting 'n' wondering....

Sorry it's been a while since I've updated my blog.

I've had some massive changes...number one being my and The Bear aren't speaking. That in itself is a long story but to say I'm surprised and bitterly disappointed in him is putting it mildly.

Hey goes on.

I have no idea if I'll make a good mum...thankfully everyone I know seems to have faith in me and hey if the road gets tough I've got supportive family in my parents, my brother and a ton of cousins and a fabulous bunch of mates.

My health has been awful from gestational diabetes, to Graves disease, to crazy weight loss and thumping heart palpitations and a gazillion health appointments.....and all the way through it I've been willing Beanie to stay strong and hang in there. So far, so good.....

We're a team already and I haven't even met him or her yet. It's truly bonkers the affection i feel for this little person already that it sometimes scares me.

I'm now 37 weeks and very excited to meet my Beanie!

Motherhood....? Bring it on!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Hey...whaddya think this is...? Facebook?

Today was a milestone day. Beanie has been moving around for ages, but on the tube journey home Beanie poked me...hard and I could see it! So I did what any caring mother would do....

I poked my sproglet back...harder!

We then had a poking match with beanie pushing back harder....

It made me smile...and freaked out the people sitting opposite me haha!

Something to smile over having had a rough few months...finally :)

Monday 18 June 2012

Pregnancy brain ....

Flew out of work in a rush to travel the overground and tube to my ante natal yoga class....

Only to be told I'm an hour early... D'oh!

I misread my reminder and thought 5pm was class start time, not time to leave work!

Ah well, I'm treating myself to a summer fruit smoothie and chillaxin' in a nice cafe... I'll resist the pastries

....maybe ;)

Sunday 17 June 2012

Father's Day.....

It's so weird to think this time next year, The Bear and I will have a seven month old boy or girl!

Thursday 14 June 2012

First yoga class...

Light stretch anyone....?

On Monday I had my first pregnancy yoga was brill!

Saturday 9 June 2012

First big purchase....

Mamas & Papas Travelsystem : Glide Package in Green, with matching car seat

Very happy with the purchase:

  • Pushchair
  • Carry cot
  • Parasol
  • Rain cover
  • Car Seat
  • Change bag

All for £519 (USD $802 for my American readers!) and to be delivered (for free!) sometime in September at my request...woo hoo!

It was important for me to have a full travel system, which could face the world or face me when pushing. Lightweight, decent basket...have to pay extra for some clips but I may get them off eBay.

Main factor was cost for me.

Colleagues have spent £1000 ($1546) and £800 ($1237) and trust me I started to panic at the eye watering amounts....

Five hundred quid seems reasonable especially if I get a few years out of it.

Pram purchases needn't be stressful....

My tips for what they are worth:

  • Decide whether you want the full travel system or not - no point paying for extras you don't need
  • Ensure it has multiple seat positions including lying flat.
  • Do you want world and parent facing
  • Are you likely to be using public transport - slim line and light weight is for you!
  • Are you likely to be in the country side a lot - big ol' 3 wheelers may be better
  • Is it easy to fold - chances are there'll be times when it's just you on your own if your partner is at work.
  • Does it fit in your car boot?
  • Is it easy to store in your home - or will you need to fold it after every use? If folding does it stand up folded, this is nice and neat and a space saver
  • Do you live in a flat - if you're on the first floor or higher you'll be lugging that pushchair a lot, go for light weight!
  • Handlebar - if you and your OH are very different heights, make sure it's adjustable.
  • Stick with your budget! Yes, there are prams with lovely bells and whistles and look really snazzy but ultimately, there's no point breaking the budget.
  • Read reviews

Extras to consider:
  • Choose a shop who offer a replacement if your pushchair needs to be fixed.
  • Consider when you want to have it delivered - remember every month you have it, is a month into the warranty.
  • Lots of high street stores price match - so shop around.
  • Go to the shop and play around with it, ask for a demo. I was surprised how different prams looked online versus in the shop.

AVOID buying on impulse, in a rush and without having seen the pram in the flesh. Avoid second hand car seats unless you can vouch for it...if it's been in an accident it could be weakened.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Quadruple test results....

1 in 350 .

Apparently this is low risk / likelihood for Down's syndrome.

If it had been high I wouldn't have had the amnio, as that's a 1% chance of miscarriage which is a chance I wouldn't want to take.

I had been concerned as an older mum to this is a bit of a less thing to stress / plan for.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Weird pregnancy symptom of the month - May

Well, it could be worse......

Constipation and hemorrhoids.....yum!

Ah...the glam life of pregnancy eh?!

Past few days I've felt like I'm passing a small brick through my back passage...

Apparently this is normal as Beanie is either pushing up on my rectum (nice image) or  the extra blood in my system is causing my bum veins to swell a bit.....

Tips and remedies I've been given so far:
Rinse a clean cloth in ice cold water and place in bum region


Preparation H to sooth the region...which also doubled for ladies in the 1970's as a home eye lift cream! Go figure!

Don't try that at home ladies......

Friday 25 May 2012

Rose on a summers day....

Today I indulged in a small (125 ml) glass of was a colleagues surprise Tropical Tea Party in honour of her getting married abroad and leaving the team....

We all went to a local pub afterwards (no one at the pub knows of my pregnancy) and I must admit the lure of the vino was too strong...

It was my first drink since Valentines day, where the Bear and I went to a comedy event, got smashed, got laid and here we are!

Bad news is I now feel guilty I've destroyed beanies brain cells.....

I don't think I'll have nay more booze....

Guilt is so much worse than a hangover.....

Haven't told OH....he'll go ballistic!

NHS advice is to abstain during first three months, so as not to risk miscarriage or impair development

Tuesday 22 May 2012

New bed....

If you've got a bad back, or are feeling uncomfortable......consider a memory foam mattress......lush....

Best nights sleep I've had in years and all my recent aches and pains disappeared after one night on the mattress!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

12 week scan

beanie was in an awkward position, jiggling away and refused to get in the correct position for NT fold measurement, despite two seperate attemps, emptying bladder, jabs to belly by sonographer, a walk about and ten minute wait in waiting area!

... stubborn like its dad

Saturday 7 April 2012

Weird pregnancy symptom of the month....

Kissing this pavement would be more pleasant than my chops right now!

Cracked lips....

Like majorly cracked.

To the point I woke up with my lips bleeding one morning.

It doesn't matter how much I drink either.


Testing times...

I used to joke with The Bear that he's got more baggage than the lost and found section of Heathrow Terminal 5. This week...after five years of 'knowing' this man, I realised it wasn't a joke.

Monday 2 April 2012

Milestone: My Booking Appointment

Major milestone today, in the form of my booking appointment!

At 12:45pm everything became a little more real!

I went on my own - that's another story for another time - and actually it was fine, any questions I could answer.

Quick run down of what happened :
Met a sourly and vague receptionist - it wasn't personal, i witnessed her unique brand of customer service with several people! Good for her keeping the hospital / doctor receptionist stereotype alive(!)

Had to provide evidence that I'm a UK citizen and live in the borough- passport and ID plus bills etc
(I'm not sure what would have happened if I didn't have it.....?)

Met a midwife assistant Vanessa- not at all like Debbie McGee but equally smiley.
She weighed me. I asked not to be told and she stopped smiling very quickly and barked "you have to know", OK thank you ma'am(!)

Oh by the way did I mention that Vanessa is as short as me and 3 dress sizes Hmm.

It's official - I'm still short - 5' 2" and have turned into a porker BMI 32, yes thirty flipping two!

I did a urine test and was told I need to eat more...hey?! I thought I was too fat?! I had eaten only an hour before the appointment, but was told I have ketones in my urine. Little and often snacking I;m told is the way forward.

I need to get back into exercising. i stopped a year ago...bad move.

I'm told I should walk for an hour every day...every day. I will have to see a consultant because of my fibroids. We went through a long questionnaire asked about my health, family history both sides.... She took several gallons five little vials of blood.
I was told I'm High Risk due to my fibroids. I may have to see a specialist team due to previous depression.

What I walked away with:

Maternity Book - it's huge!
My first Bounty Pack

  • Maternity Book - massive yellow folder with all your medical notes
  • Bounty Pack with some money off leaflets
  • Leaflet on breastfeeding as I said it was my intention to bf
  • Information on antenatal classes
  • Maternity guide for my hospital

Tips -

  • Write questions before you go - there's so much info you may be overwhelmed and forget.
  • when she asks if you have any social problems she means social service type issues, not whether you have a fear of public speaking or are shy at parties!
  • You will be asked about previous pregnancies and the outcome, so be prepared.
  • Bring a big plastic bag if you tend to have small handbags, as you'll be given a ginormous Yellow Folder which contains all your hospital notes, plus you'll get a Bounty Pack.
  • Bring some reading material - you may be sitting around a while, although to be fair i sat for no more than 5 minutes at a time before the next stage.
  • Eat before you get there as the whole thing for me from beginning to end took two hours.

So, next step; scan and consultant appointment - 24th April, all booked today :)

Oh and apparently it's OK for me to get my hair relaxed, after the first trimester,phew...

The badge has arrived....

My Baby on Board badge arrived today.

If you live in London and use the tube, you'll know what this is all about.

Saturday 31 March 2012

March 2012

This is a milestone month, my first full calender month pregnant, yay!

It's a roller coaster month too. The Bear swings from stunned happiness to just...well, stunned.

I start the month 5 weeks pregnant and end the month 9 weeks, two thirds through the first trimester!

Inbetween there's a dash to hospital, after a check up at GP. I'm told I have multiple fibroids so will be under a consultant. My due date is put back three days.

My bestie The Rock is informed - she's over the moon and planning our mat leave together as she's five weeks ahead of me!

My parents are told - mum is so excited its just wrong!

We're holding off telling The Bears mum...he wants to wait until the scan.

My symptoms get worse then ease up then return again. Its basically extreme tiredness and a dicky tummy and mahoosive boobs.

I buy a new bra

It's a busy month and its awful but i wish time would hurry up.... patience was never my strong point....

Saturday 17 March 2012

boobs, bras & besties...

Can you believe it...what if this half of the species invented the bra(!)

Heading into week seven according to my scan and my boobs are killing me. I wake up in agony and have to cup them when getting out of bed. The feeling is similar to having a large lead weight inserted into them.

The suffering must stop...time for a new bra.

Thursday 15 March 2012


Yesterday I had some brown smudging accompanied with some pain.

Brown stains stopped today but the pain continued, so I checked out NHS Direct. NHS Direct said contact your GP.

I called my GP still thinking it wasn't too big a deal and rather than waste an appointment I'll wait for GP to talk on the phone to me.

I spoke with GP and she ordered me in for an examination.

She found a hard lumpy mass on my left abdomen and was quite concerened about was i after she prodded it, man was it sore!

I was given a referral letter and sent straight to A&E Gynaecology, as my GP was worried the hard mass on my left hand side was a possible ectopic, albeit too early and high for one.

I sat in A&E trying not to bawl my eyes out.
Mum came to meet me as OH didn't fancy explaining to his manager (his manager is also known as Satan's right hand man!) and to be honest I thought there'd be no need as by the time he'd get down to the hospital I;d be seen.

Anyway, I was seen very quickly. I had my assessments, question, blood, urine and a rather uncomfortable internal exam all done within an hour and a half. brief wait and then I was scanned....

It was an internal scan and a bit uncomfortable but well worth it!

Beanie was seen in the right place, with heartbeat pulsing as well. I was so relieved!

Consultants also found three large fibroid in my uterus. These are likely to be the culprits of the lumpy mass found by GP. i was told they will grow as blood increases in the area. This means I'll need to be managed for blood loss as there's a risk of hemorrhaging during labour and after birth stage. Other than that their position is not too bad and not blocking entrance to cervix.

Everything else is fine and dandy...ovaries are also a.o.k!

Good day all in all.

Walked away with a scan picture to show OH :)

7 weeks today...

...and boy has it been a roller coaster!

No nausea, but raging hormones. I went ballistic at OH yesterday via text message over something minor, thankfully he didn't respond angrily :)

Boobs have a life of their own...big then smaller but always heavy. I bought a new bra at mothercare - non under wired which I haven't worn since 13!

It takes a bit of getting used to. I was wearing a 34F and now measure 40 DD?! Hmm, methinks I'll get measured at my usual Fenwicks or Bravissimo instead....

Mothercare got us signed up for their Mum and baby club with discounts, the hard sell for pushchairs currently on sale started at check out but we stayed firm!

Everyone at work is doing my head in.

I'm irritable.

I'm tired beyond belief to the point where it's distracting.

I'm constantly worrying, which was not helped by seeing a brown smudge in my pants yesterday morning. it didn't return though so fingers crossed....

I'm bloated boss said "I think you're starting to show" i could have thrown my stapler at him!

Random ranting,so apologies.

All i want is to stop worrying and have baby in my arms.

That is all.

Friday 9 March 2012

6 +1 - halfway through 1st trimester

Narcissus Baby Boomer
Baby Boomers variety of daffodil - fantastic name!

I've made it to my sixth week and am still nervous, but a little less so.

Updates so far: I have an early scan booked for 24th March when I'm 8 +2 and my booking appointment for the 2nd April! I should be 9 +4 by seems like ages away....I hope beanie makes it 

Emotions: becoming more excited and less nervous. The nerves come back in waves

Main thoughts: 'Is beanie sticking? ' 'have people worked it out?'

Physical symptoms: waking up hungry, swollen / full heavy boobs. Still no nausea, so I suppose that's a good thing? Had a crazy amount of energy yesterday. Stoll waking up in early hours of morning.

Halfway through my first trimester....

I really want to enjoy this, but my anxiety levels keep creeping up, which i know is no good for me and beanie. The Bear is very comforting, tells me to remain positive and take a day at a time....each day is sooooo long haha!

The girls on babycentre are great at cheering everyone up and on...if any of you are reading 'thanks!' xx

Any tips for relaxing would be great if you've got 'em!

Yours ,

somewhat neurotic from London x

Saturday 3 March 2012

Emma's Diary - Mum to Be Pack

This contains a 'spoiler' so if you don't want to know what goodies are in store...please turn away now!

In my bag of goodies were....drum roll.......

Friday 2 March 2012

5 +1 - GP appointment

I trotted off to my GP this morning. The Bear agreed for me to go solo as it's a quick appointment.

I've already been in touch with my midwifery team and they gave me the impression I was 'logged in the system'.

However GP said I was not :-/

Anyway, I told GP I was confirming my pregnancy. She asked if it was planned and i said yes, so she beamed and offered her congratulations, which was really sweet.

She listened to my heart for a murmur - no murmuring, so that's all good.

GP gave me a copy Emma's Diary , which contains tips, advice and vouchers.
The Bear will love that! You can also collect a free gift

I asked her a few questions: can i dye my hair, relax (perm for Afro hair) my hair  apparently the answer is yes.

Should i have an early scan if i can afford it - "No"

Should I be worried my symptoms have virtually disappeared - "No, they settle down, be glad"

Clearblue digital gave me a reading of 3+ very early on in pregnancy, what does this mean : "Nothing, they're not reliable on conception indicators"

And with that I was given a form to fill in to exempt me from paying for prescriptions during pregnancy and one year afterwards. I handed it in at reception. I'll get a card in the post shortly.

GP also made a point of reminding me not to return to smoking - listed all the reasons why not to smoke and ended with "do it for baby, OK?"

Choose and Book was up the spout, so she'll chase up the midwife referral.
From 24 weeks onwards I'll see Dr D instead of the midwife.

All done in ten minutes.

It's starting to feel real now!

Saturday 25 February 2012

4 +2

Today by my calculations I am 4 weeks and 2 days, or 16 dpo, or the equivalent of cd 31

I had the urge to poas on my CB digi and guess what.....?

It said 'Pregnant  3+' !!!!


I'm so happy it's unreal.

I swing between total terror that this will be snatched away from me to sheer joy.

The new reading has also confused me, as according to Clearblue, this means I am over five weeks pregnant, which by my maths is incorrect.

But hey, what really matters is that the hormones are going in the right direction :)

3+ weeks since conception, or 5 weeks pregnant but I'm only 4 +2 at most.

Other news:  I asked The Bear whether we should go for a private scan...he's not so keen and thinks it could be damaging to the bean. I can't hold out for another 7-8 weeks! It's all I can think about....

Ah well, we'll see....

Friday 24 February 2012

4 +1

 BabyFruit Ticker ">

Today marks, the first day after my expected af.

I was so nervous yesterday, expecting to see Big Red turn up. Thankfully nothing.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

13 dpo...just checking!

13 dpo and tested on a Clearblue digital....

Still pregnant...yay!

Hormones are rising...thank goodness xx

So far, so good...!

Going by my calculations, which could be waaaaay off, I am due on 1st November, which puts me at 3 weeks, 6 days today.

I'm still nervous AF will make a surprise appearance tomorrow.

I'm nervous about just about everything to be honest. I'm delivering training today and can barely concentrate!

So the symptoms so far...?

Barely any. If I wasn't ttc and looking out for signs, i'd never guess I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant! Just realised how weird that feels writing it down!

Boobs are much fuller, but usually are before AF
Had *a lot* of creamy cm yesterday
Some small pinches and a hot sensation about the size of a five penny piece on my right side abdomen.

The main symptom is tiredness....I'm falling asleep at about 8.30pm 9pm and up again between 1am and 3am.

All of these together may scream - preggo ! - but to be honest having a lot of work to do, if I weren't ttc I wouldn't guess.

I do feel like  people look at me funny...which is so daft, i keep thinking , 'can people tell?'

Monday 20 February 2012


My bfp :)
Please stick little beanie xx

Photos: HPTs @ 10 & 11 dpo....

The Bear is still in a state of shock - which is silly seeing as we've been ttc! Yesterday he was full of "wow" every five minutes, then announced he was having a nap! Knackered already haha! He's also worried I'm getting my hopes up. So has basically ordered asked me to hold off until I'm due on to test again!

I know he has a point....

But I ignored him anyway!

To be honest, I'll probably test daily until af due date, then take a digi if I keep getting lines. if the lines are going to disappear, I'd rather know sooner than on af day...

Here are my Morrisons HPTs taken with fmu sample at 10dpo (yesterday) and 11(dpo) today. Line came up within five very faintly, then clearer within ten minutes.

My phone is pants, the lines are much stronger to naked eye than they appear in the photos.

Please , please let this be true......

I am so scared this will be snatched away from me I swing between joyful, shocked and apprehensive.

Time will tell.....

top is 10dpo bottom is 11dpo. Photo taken within five minutes of test.

Top casing removed to view lines easier. Top test - 10dpo, bottom test 11 dpo

plastic screen removed for easier viewing. photo within an hour of todays test.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Photos: Time to celebrate or curse of the evap...?

Today I'm 10dpo.

I promised myself i'd hold out until AF due to test....but I couldn't wait. Quelle Suprise(!)

One test taken 9dpo and the other 10dpo (today)

Anyway, thougths and opinions welcome. Do I have reason to celebrate or dun dun it the curse of the evap striking again.....?

Sunday 12 February 2012

Whitney Houston & TTC....

Please don't be confused by the title....

Today we got the sad news Ms Houston passed away at the untimely age of 48.

She was my music heroine as a kid. Amazing voice and talent...

Anyway one of her tracks is on my all time PMA (positive mental attitude) list and reminds me of the ttc journey

Step by Step gals.... xx

Wednesday 8 February 2012

CD 14 - Smiley Day!

The title says it all really.....peed on my cb digi and got a smiley first thing this morning and again this evening.

I've had loads of ewcm over the past five days and The Bear has a new lease of energy! Hooray!

Last month I got a smiley on CD12, so we'll see whether it affects when aunt flo arrives this month. I assumed it would be CD 12 again this month, so was a bit panicked when nothing happened.

Anyway, short and sweet.... time for baby making!
Cycle day 14 - morning 

Cycle day 14 - evening

Wednesday 1 February 2012

No can do?

Sometimes I wonder whether The Bear is still committed to TTC.

I'm hoping we don't have a repeat of Decembers shenanigans

It's less than a week to O Day and I'm ready to pounce! 
I know he gets tired and really he'd like to say this.....

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Oh mother, did you have to?!

Right, I promised myself I wouldn't post a 'rant thread', but it's got to be done!

A dear family friend (we're more like siblings) and his wife are expecting their second child. Bubba number one, little cutie isn't even a year old yet!

How did I find out? Through mum bless her. Later my dear ol' ma who is nattering away on the phone to my sort of sis in law, finds me, thrusts the phone in my hand and says "it's P wish her congrats!"

Cue me going through the congrats, how far gone etc chat. P then moans she hasn't seen me in ages and now we're meeting up to go doubt baby stuff will be included!

Is it awful to say I'm already thinking of cancelling?

I am soooo happy for them and P had an mc before her bubba arrived, so it's lovely for her but maaaaan'd be nice to have a bit of baby dust chucked my way!

It didn't help that mum said loudly on the phone, "yes...hopefully she'll be next!" (she has no idea I'm ttc)

Petty whinge over. That is all. 

January 2012

This month starts off much better than the last one ended!

The Bear and I have talked. Talked more openly than we have done in ages.