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 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday 29 January 2012

How do you like your eggs.....?

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Fertilised please!

here's a breakdown of ovulation. This is the crucial bit of your cycle.

Baby girls are born with their entire collection of eggs. Whereas men continuously produce sperm throughout their lifetime.

Once puberty / menses start an egg is released each month, waiting to be fertilised. If it's not fertilised we lose it with our period,

When is an egg released?

  • Roughly halfway through your cycle. 10 - 17 days before your next period.

How is it released?

  • Prior to the egg release, your body produced large amounts of a chemical called LH (lutenising hormone). LH is always present in the body, but increases for a short period, to sends a message 'release the egg!'.

Where is it released?

  • The egg is released from your ovary. You have two. One on each side of your body. The follicles containing eggs mature and the strongest egg pops out.

Where does it go?

  • Floats up into the fallopian tubes, which are located just above your ovary.

What happens next?

  • The egg hangs out, creating a 'come catch me' scent for sperm.

Here's the scary bit...

  • The egg is only viable for 24 hours. Think of it like waiting for a date. 
  • She (the egg) won't hang around too long. She's sent out the signals (scent) to encourage the sperm. 
  • If the sperm is not there within 24 hours....too late! She's gone.

So spermies listen up....turn up on ladies hate waiting!

I'll explain how you can tell the egg is about to drop.....

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