Beanies' progress...

 BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Oh mother, did you have to?!

Right, I promised myself I wouldn't post a 'rant thread', but it's got to be done!

A dear family friend (we're more like siblings) and his wife are expecting their second child. Bubba number one, little cutie isn't even a year old yet!

How did I find out? Through mum bless her. Later my dear ol' ma who is nattering away on the phone to my sort of sis in law, finds me, thrusts the phone in my hand and says "it's P wish her congrats!"

Cue me going through the congrats, how far gone etc chat. P then moans she hasn't seen me in ages and now we're meeting up to go doubt baby stuff will be included!

Is it awful to say I'm already thinking of cancelling?

I am soooo happy for them and P had an mc before her bubba arrived, so it's lovely for her but maaaaan'd be nice to have a bit of baby dust chucked my way!

It didn't help that mum said loudly on the phone, "yes...hopefully she'll be next!" (she has no idea I'm ttc)

Petty whinge over. That is all. 


  1. Hey a fellow BCer here! Did you know that there is a train of thought that spending time around pg ladies and newborns can boost your fertility? The month before I fell pg I held a friends newborn loads to pick up the vibes, my oh did the same when my LO was born, plus it is believed that a pg women's hormones can effect people around her! Old wives tails? Who knows! Good luck hun x ps-love your blog x

  2. Ooh now that I didn't know....perhaps I should stick to the shopping date then! it's worth a try!

    Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated! xx

    PS I'm following you now...not in the literal sense mind! I think that's called stalking haha!
